I think that a person who has wantonly committed murder, deliberately killed an innocent person, has ceded any right to expectations of compassion. So, I am less concerned with the murderer's rights and expectations than I am with our own. Does executing a murderer make us murderers? The answer to that question has been discussed by many, for a long time. I could only rehash here what has already been said. I will only say that I have greater concerns. I will put my energy toward saving the lives of innocent people, and let murderers fend for themselves.
I think that a person who has wantonly committed murder, deliberately killed an innocent person, has ceded any right to expectations of compassion. So, I am less concerned with the murderer's rights and expectations than I am with our own. Does executing a murderer make us murderers? The answer to that question has been discussed by many, for a long time. I could only rehash here what has already been said. I will only say that I have greater concerns. I will put my energy toward saving the lives of innocent people, and let murderers fend for themselves.